This is a good question that I didn't really see a good answer to in the replies, and since I'm procrastinating I figured I'd supply it.
An objective review would entail all of the indisputable non subjective info about a game. Average frame rate, The mechanics, The plot if the game has one. The genre* etc. *(what a genre is/can be, also be a matter of dispute, an objective means of categorizing it would be using the developer's self identification of the game and/or gauging public consensus.) A review like that would be useful for people who only play games if their personal criteria is met. eg,: this game is only running at 15 frames I’m not playing it This game has match 3 mechanics I don't like match 3 mechanics. this game is a role playing game, I don’t play roleplaying games. I do know weirdos in real life that live this way, as dumb as I think it is for them to do so. But they would and do, derive value from “objective reviews". The Jimquisition has a pretty good (if not a bit factious) example of an objective review here if you're so enclined. Wait...airquotes?
Now the keen eyed among you will have noticed the air quotes around objective reviews last section. That's because what objective means is subjective. There are people who are legitimately just interested in basic information about video games with no interest in the reviewers response to said information. I think most outlets know that, which is no doubt why game at a glance sections exist at most outlets. Those interested in basic information about a game with no means of easily accessing this information would be valid in my eyes in complaining a lack of objectivity. (I assume these theoretical people are blind and/or don't have internet connections, but even then their request would still be reasonable.) There are other people that simply didn't like what a reviewer said about a game in their review, and because they can't or won't, communicate that fact, they'll tell that reviewer to be more objective mixed in with some slurs(we are dealing with gamers after all). Now gamers are my people. I won't defend their actions, but I do want to try and make it a bit easier to understand how they can get their mindstate so clapped. A lot of gamers identify with the games they play, so an attack on their game is an attack on them. So they yell at the reviewer. a lot of gamers might not see a particular point about a game talked about in a review and see the reviewer as a shill or sellout for the publishers of said game. So they yell at the reviewer. A reviewer might make a legitimate error in their coverage of a game, and since reviews can be a big part of a games exposure to the world, some gamers might see that failure and yell at the reviewer. And sometimes gamers are just terrible and yell at reviewers because of a bunch of stuff that happened in 2012 that I'm not gonna get into right now. Assuming we believe in common decency, gamers yelling at reviewers is bad. How do we fix that? The Answer Lies Inward
I personally think gaming news outlets are dumb, I don't go to news aggregators or large gaming outlets for reviews, I'm either reading player reviews are hearing about games via word of mouth. No Austin I still haven't played crosscode yet. I don't go to companies I go to individuals, Greg Millar, Dunkey, Philip Defranco when he occasionally mentions a game, Ragnarrox, Grimbeard, civvie, Jorelle, Kenny,etc. I might disagree with these individuals on a take that they have, but they've earned my trust to the point where I'll seek them out over an outlet. cause I know them and they haven't laid off people after getting bought out by a larger new outlet. so yeah everyone needs to go looking for their own people to listen to. that's the cure. Here's dunkey's video on game critics.
So now what?
I dunno bro. I gotta get back to work tho. Goodbye.
Sometimes you can't finish stuff by yourself. In that case you need a team. Here I get into how you make one.
If you want to make something great. You have to start where ever you are. Take notes, apply them, and get better
Sup, been a year.
I've been busy. With too many things honestly. I was able to to get something done to the point where I feel a bit less shame if people see it. Said thing being the rpg I've been working on. It is not perfect. But it is playable. Try it if you feel so inclined. And let me know what you think
Yeah Purgatory Volume 1 is out. Take that everyone who doubted me.
You can grab it from here if you're so inclined. Anyway, this was really fun. I know exactly what I want to do differently next time. But I'm also looking forward to going back into the lurk hole and working on stuff till it's ready. So expect nothing and you'll be pleasantly surprised.
Happy April Ladies and Germs.
Now that my toilet paper fortress is completed, I thought I'd take a moment to shower my adoring public with the information it needs to continue to function. That might be the second cringiest thing I've ever written but I'm keeping it. One benefit of being trapped inside all hours is the extra down time. And since Nikola had the extra down time and I had the money, we decided to use this time to color a few of the pages for Purgatory Volume 1's print release. It'll be evident as to why when it gets into peoples hands, and I'm looking forward to getting it out to everyone. Children Of Jealda is coming along swimmingly. The first few chapters are outlined and the first chapter is in the polish stage. But who cares about that. Check out a monster thing.
That's it in terms of my projects.
Here's a bunch of stuff for you to watch/read whist your TP supply slowly drains
Wrist Full of Dallars + Zero Dallar
These two comics are dripping with style and stupidity (the good kind). Prison cities are inhabited, ramen is eaten, people are punched, mic's are dropped. It's pure unadulterated fun and I'm itching for more. you can grab it here.
Midnight Furies
I didn't like basketball. This comic made me like basketball. It's gorgeous, ridiculous and down to earth at the same time. And I dare you to find a cooler name for an event than "The Midnight Games". You can't. Read it Now.
Secrets and Lies in a Town of Sinners
This web series is heartfelt and hilarious. If you like to just hear people talk I recommend that you start with Episode 5 cause it has my favorite exchange in the series so far. (All of the episodes are linked but you don't have to watch them in order.) I really enjoy Jonni Philips style in general. I haven't gone through her entire back catalogue, but I can also recommend the videos she did for Weird Helga, Dr. Sam Mulaney's Burden, as well as her Goodbye Forever Party short film. Also her twitter is dope go follow her. But first watch her videos here.
Khonjin House
I love the piss out of this internet show, it's the best parts of adult swim despite not being on adult swim. Nothing I can say will ever do it justice. Watch it now or die.
I'mma be a bit selfish with this one. I don't want you to read this because I think its good. I hate it and I need another reasonable person to hate it along side me, because why in god's name is a book where race is the central focus in gray scale!? I'm not bitter... I'm not. Ok maybe a little bit. That's all for now folks. Have a good quarantine. Yo. I was applying for a writing gig and realized that this website doesn't look enough like a portfolio. Now it looks a bit closer to one. If the pages look different between one another that was on purpose, I kinda just threw a bunch of page layouts at a wall to see what stuck. Do tell me what you think. While you're thinking, here are some updates. 1. Purgatory is getting a print release. Old news at this point but It needs to be here for posterity. After a bunch of years of work its getting a print release and budgetary support from Rising Sun Comics. It'll be out at some point in March 2020. I've been working on a fantasy thing for a minute. It's not done enough to go in depth on. But it's done enough to show some of the sick art that was made for it. You can learn more about Children Of Jealda Here. A big part of why I don't blog as much as I used to is because I don't like to show things until they're 80% done. (A rule I think I'm going to start breaking soon). I've never really showed the greater public some of the projects I worked on that got cancelled. Since I'm not under any kind of NDA I can say whatever I want about it. So if you want to see some concept art from a cancelled space project head Here. Lastly I did a thing in high school called Glengrove. I put it on the website. Then I reread it and thought parts of it were cringey so I took it down. Then I read it again and thought not all of it was cringey so I put some of it back up. It's no masterpiece but it's mine.
That's here. And that's it for now. I'll update the website again when I have something to show. Till then don't do drugs. |
June 2024